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Gabriel Lacroix

Windows 10 Tweaks To Make It Bearable

Step 1: Remove All Bundled Apps (except the Store)

In an admin powershell enter:

Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | where-object {$ –notlike "*store*"} | Remove-AppxPackage

Step 2: Disable Telemetry

Method #1 - regedit

Create a new DWORD (32 bit) in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection named AllowTelemetry with a value of 0.

Method #2 - services.msc

Set Connected User Experiences and Telemetry's startup type to Disabled.

Step 3: If I Have Access To The Group Policy Editor

Cortana and Windows Search

In (Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Search):

Data Collection and Preview Builds

In (Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Data Collection and Preview Builds):

WiFi Sense

In (Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Network\WLAN Service\WLAN Settings\):

Microsoft Data Collection

In (Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Application Compatibility):

Microsoft Customer Experience

Step 4: Registry Hacks

Wrapping up

You can check this and that out as well.